Everything you need to know about the International Institute of Leadership
The International Institute of Leadership is a cutting-edge professional training center that offers a high-quality, comprehensive framework for training, seminars and specialized courses as required by local or international groups.
The Institute was founded in 1958 by the Israel National Labor Federation, the biggest and most influential labor union in Israel, operating since its inception as a registered nonprofit organization.
The Institute’s main purpose is to serve as the National Labor Federation’s official training college for labor unions and employees. As such, it provides comprehensive studies in all specific subjects relevant to the target population.
Annually, 2,000 National Labor Federation representatives pursue advanced professional courses which provide them with the expertise required for employee representation:
We are proud of our up-to-date courses that present the most recent laws and court rulings relating to labor relations, labor law, and union workers.
We train union representatives to serve as mediators in labor disputes, and as advocates and public representatives in court proceedings.
We include courses on negotiation, which is one of the most significant tools for a labor union, and an arbitration course which opens doors to more opportunities for alternative dispute resolution.
Our course in management of labor unions is one of the Institute’s flagship courses. This course provides participants with the tools for success and how to serve as a guide in the process through solid leadership and authority.
Our pension insurance course, for example, explains the complex and dynamic issue of pension savings, which is updated regularly.
We pride ourselves on the high professional standard of our courses and professional caliber of our instructors.
In addition to providing a national solution for all labor unions who are members of the National Labor Federation and other organizations, the Institute also has an International Department.
Our International Department works closely with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and serves as the liaison for delegations of trade unionists, politicians, government officials, opinion-leaders, journalists, diplomats, and decision-makers from around the world, who come to Israel for professional training on various subjects.
To date, more than 60,000 delegates from 140 countries around the world have taken advantage of our courses.
The Institute is located at Beit Berl in the pastoral region of Kfar-Saba, surrounded by lush flora and fauna.
The campus has air-conditioned lecture halls and fully equipped classrooms, suitable for all study purposes. Between classes, coffee and refreshments are served in the main lobby which has comfortable armchairs and large plasma TVs.
The accommodations are luxurious and comfortable, with an intimate and welcoming atmosphere.
All our courses include tours around the country, stimulating meetings with key personnel relevant to the course topics, and visits to holy places on request.
Most Relevant Lecture Subjects
Our teaching staff consists of experts on a very wide variety of topics related to the field of professional unions and labor relations, in addition to various enrichment subjects. Our superb staff enables us to respond to every possible need, and to adjust the subject matter of the lectures as required.
Our core subject matter can be expanded to include specialized courses on request:
The World of Work – Cooperation between Israel’s unions and professional unions from various countries. The courses expose participants to employment relations and laws in Israel and compare and contrast these with those of other countries. Peer study helps trainees to return to their home country with an understanding of the differences between countries on the one hand, and ideas to improve the conditions of their union’s employees in their country of origin, on the other. The course includes tours of comparable factories, meetings with managers, staff representatives, and employees.
Working with Palestinians – Educational seminars on the rights of Palestinian employees in the Israeli labor market. Despite the complex political situation, it is important for us to maintain dialogue with Palestinian trade unions. The law in Israel, and accordingly, of the National Labor Federation, is to treat every employee with equal rights regardless of religion, gender, race or nationality.
Child and Youth Labor – Two-day seminars are held on weekends and deal with the rights and protection of working youth. The seminars bring together youth who are employed in various trades and sectors in order to empower them on various issues such as labor relations and laws, work environment, interpersonal communication and leadership.
Our Lecturers – Always There For You
The distinguished lecturers at the International Institute of Leadership have been selected individually and include senior professors and experts in their fields. All lecturers are academics with theoretical and practical knowledge in their field of specialization, which guarantees participants the very finest professional study options.
Welcoming, Intimate Environment and Accommodations
Our inviting, comfortable guest center has played host to many guests from Israel and around the world. It has 47 air-conditioned, comfortable double rooms, offering full board accommodations. In addition to three daily meals, refreshments are served throughout the day, including coffee and soft drinks, sandwiches, fresh fruit, and pastries baked on the premises. Guests also enjoy a spacious dining room with a rich and varied menu and a large, recently renovated lobby. The Institute is surrounded by open, verdant public areas, which offer guests sitting areas and a relaxed and quiet atmosphere. Evening activities include social events, team building, or any other activity as booked in advance.
The Institute Encourages Social Involvement
The National Labor Federation focuses on helping disadvantaged populations in Israel. As the training department of the National Labor Federation, we work diligently to promote social issues and public discourse on the matter of disadvantaged populations and to initiate seminars, conferences, and workshops that deal with various social issues.
Recently, a number of conferences on the subject of integrating employees with disabilities, were attended by several leading and dominant Knesset (Israeli parliament) members, employer representatives, senior representatives from government agencies, lecturers, and employees with disabilities, all mobilized for an important social goal.
In addition, the Institute hosts groups with special needs, such as disadvantaged youth with no future prospects, and helps them to acquire a high school diploma. Youth with no family support are guided in finding direction and securing
a better future, including continued studies or pursuit of
a career. We also help widows and orphans, to name a few.
Another example of our work involves migrant workers to Israel, who have equal rights in the market thanks to the efforts of the National Labor Federation. Through workshops funded by the Federation specifically for migrant workers, trainees learn about their rights, and receive legal advice and guidance on the proper way to defend themselves as employees with equal rights. We teach them who to turn to when they think their rights have been violated, and furthermore, train them to become agents of change in their communities.
What people are saying about our advanced education courses:
Minerva said: “I never felt like someone cared about me. Now I know my rights and I know there is somewhere to turn to if I have a question or problem.”
Angelina said: “This seminar gave me tools. I’m more independent now. I can also help my friends.”